From the Winona Daily News, 10/12/2022
When choosing from candidates for Winona County commissioner, consider their positions on protecting waters and watersheds. I support candidates who care about the welfare of the greatest number of constituents. At the local level, we voters need to be fully caring about every one of our neighbors, if we ourselves are to thrive. Whether by direct or aerial applications of manure, pesticides or herbicides, whatever is done to the land sitting on the county's karst formations is done to the water we ALL rely on. Whether we can drill the deepest well on the ridge, or hope to recreate along a surface water in one of the valleys, or pay for municipal water to our homes, no resident of the county can afford to subsidize any individual's livelihood above everyone else's. If Winona County runs out of safe, clean, fresh water, ALL of us will suffer. I believe Chris Meyer's record proves her concern for ALL county residents, because she understands how vital water is to a vibrant, thriving community. I'm confident her priority will continue to be working for ALL of us, and helping us work together to efficiently and effectively secure fresh water resources throughout the county. Kathie Geiger, Winona Comments are closed.